・Alpkit - stingray
A single opening with a single compartment on the non-drive (left) side of the bike.
Divider Compartment Vertical (+ £10)
This option will divide the main compartment into two sections with a removable vertical insert. Highly recommended on larger frame bags to stop them bulging out.
Divider Compartment Horizontal (+ £20)
This option will divide the main compartment into two sections with a removable horizontal insert. A second horizontal zip will be added to allow access to the bottom section, highly recommended on larger frame bags to stop them bulging out.
Surgeon (+ £20)
Fitting larger items such as pots and pans inside a frame bag can be difficult with a single zipper and can lead to zip failure. Our surgeon pocket is a solution to this, the 90º opposing zips open a Stingray like a patients chest on the operating table.
Standardはその名の通りスタンダード、スタンダードなのでオプション料金はかかりません。ジッパーは一つだけ、進行方向に対して左型にジッパーが来るのがデフォルトのようです 。左側に来てしまうと右利きの場合が面倒な気もしますが・・まぁ次にいきましょう。・Divider Compartment Vertical
これはフレームバッグを縦方向に分割するオプションのようです。おそらく内部に間仕切りが一本入るということなのでしょう。長編方向を区切ることでマチが広がることを防げますといったことが書いてありますね。・Divider Compartment Horizontal
これは・・・何なんでしょうね?反対側にもジッパーを増設するオプションなのは分かりますが。おそらくですが、がばっと開ける大きな開口部を反対側に取ってくれるのだと思います。(違っていたらすいません)。次は「Document Pocket」なのですが、これが一番良く分かりません。うーん・・外側にポケットを増やすかどうかといったことを聞かれてるのだと思いますが保障はありません。
The size of your document pocket will vary depending on your frame size. We cannot guarantee that on OS map will fit in it. The map pocket is sewn onto the drive side of the frame bag.
「Hydration Port」。これは分かりやすいですね。ハイドレーション用の穴を開けるかどうかというオプションです。モバイルバッテリーを入れてナビゲーション用のスマホを充電したりする場合でも必要になるオプションです。
We can add an opening along any edge of your frame bag to allow hydration tubes or electrical wires to exit the frame bag.
「Reflective Piping」は反射材ですね。どのような仕上げかは分かりませんが、リフレクターの機能を付けたいならこのオプションが必要になるようです。両面に設定する場合はDocument Pocketにもチェックを入れる必要があると書いてあります。
We can add reflective piping along the zips to increase your visibility at night to other trail users. If you want this feature on both sides of your frame bag you will also need to add a document pocket.
Choose from a choice of VX21, burly 1100d Cordura or lightweight 500d Cordura
・1100d Cordura
その名の通りコーデュラナイロンの1100dです。数字上はVX21と比べると5倍厚手ということになります(※厳密にいえば糸の太さの話らしいですが)。では『1100d Corduraはどれくらいの厚みになるのか』ということになりますが、一般的なコーデュラナイロンの倍くらい・・だそうです。がっつりとした固い生地を選ぶのであればコレですね。・500d Cordura
Remember that bulky items in your frame bag can cause the sides to bulge out, so while it is tempting to go for a wide bag to fit as much as possible in, it will increase the likelihood of the bag rubbing on your rotating cranks.
Stitching Colourステッチ(縫い糸)の色ですね。
Lining Colour裏地の色ですね。どうやら底面の色が選べるっぽいです。
Webbing Ladder - we have been trialing the webbing ladder through 2013 and have found it to work extremely well. So much so that we have introduced it through the entire range. It allows the velcro loops to be firmly tightened around any tube without any adverse effects to the zips. You can choose where to run your velcro loops to avoid bike furniture and ultimately how many you would like. This makes it much easier to adapt frame bags to fit other bikes you may have.
When combining several pieces of bike luggage together you can use the same velcro loops to attach them avoid the usual problems of interference. Put simply it is adaptable.
Traditional Sewn In Velcro Loops - This is our lighter option and works well, however depending on the width of the frame bag and the diameter of your tubes it can rub and move. In an effort to reduce this movement you can also pull the frame bag too tight causing the zips to be put under strain which can lead to failure.
Our standard zipper is Grey, but now you can choose others for no extra cost!
We stitch in a thin 1mm thick closed cell foam lining to the sidewall of our Stingrays (the side where the framebag touches the frame). This just gives the framebag a little more structure. You can optionally chose to remove this to save a few grams of weight.
Zip Garage Colour
だいたいこのような感じでしょうか。個人的に必要なオプションはDivider Compartment Horizontalだけなので、95ユーロでの制作が可能ということになります。送料を含めれば105ユーロ、130円/€換算すると13650円という金額になります。オーダー品と考えればかなりお得感のある価格設定ですね。
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